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Questions? Find answers here and on Discord.

How do I join?

You’ll already need to own the Java Edition of Minecraft for PC. Afterward, you need to install our modpack, instructions and a download can be found on this page. There is no whitelist requirement so you'll be able to join straight away, and once you have loaded to the main menu, just click 'Join Server'.

What can I do on the server?

You can explore our map or claim a plot to build on your own using our modpack. Our Pathfinder tool allows you to follow in the footsteps of the fellowship while providing small book passages detailing their journey.

How long has ArdaCraft been active?

Work began in WorldPainter on the map's terrain in mid-2013, and building began in November 2014.

What is the map's scale? How large is it?

We are working at a scale of 1:58. When completed, the map will be roughly 50'000 by 45'000 blocks large, or 2'250 square km - roughly the size of Dorset in England. Middle-earth itself is about the same size as continental Europe. At 1:58, we feel we are striking a good balance between scale and pragmatism.

When is the map set?

The map is set in the early autumn of 3006 of the Third Age, or 1406 by the Shire-reckoning. In terms of the narrative of the Lord of the Rings, it is set five years after Bilbo leaves the Shire, but twelve years before Frodo sets out for Bree.

What resource pack and shaders do you use?

We use Conquest Reforged paired with our own ArdaCraft Overlay for a fully detailed environment. Shaders with our own presets are Bliss and Chocapic.

How can I join the ArdaCraft build team?

We ask all applicants to start with an exact 1:1 replica of our current styles on their plot. More information can be found in our application section in the Discord. After you submit your application, an overseer or mentor will respond in 1-2 days.

Can i contribute in another way?

If you're a Minecraft developer, filmographer, modeller/texturer, or want to contribute in another way, please join our Discord, introduce yourself, and we can get you started.

How else can I support the project?

You can support us monthly on our Patreon

I have another question.

Please join our Discord and ask!