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The last leaders of the Faithful, Elendil and his sons, escaped from the Downfall with nine ships, bearing a seedling of Nimloth, and the Seven Seeing-stones (gifts of the Eldar to their House); and they were borne on the wind of a great storm and cast upon the shores of Middle-earth. There they established in the North-west the Númenórean realms in exile, Arnor and Gondor. Elendil was the High King and dwelt in the North at Annúminas; and the rule in the South was committed to his sons, Isildur and Anárion.
- Appendix A, The Númenórean Kings

Founded by Elendil after the downfall of Númenor, Annúminas served as the kingdom of Arnor's capital for almost a millenium.

The decline of the Northern Dúnedain following the war of the Last Alliance led them to desert Annúminas in favour of Fornost Erain in T.A. 861, leaving the city to ruin.

As the city never saw battle, much of its remains survive to the present day, despite having been abandoned for more than two millenia. This includes the royal palace, the royal baths, and the city's circus.

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