The fellings had at first been along both banks of the Gwathló, and timber had been floated down to the haven (Lond Daer); but now the Númenóreans drove great tracks and roads into the forests northwards and southwards from the Gwathló, and the native folk that survived fled from Minhiriath into the dark woods of the great Cape of Eryn Vorn, south of the mouth of the Baranduin, which they dared not cross, even if they could, forfear of the Elvenfolk.
- The Unfinished Tales, Appendix D
A cape in the south west of Eriador, Eryn Vorn is littered with dark pines. They are the last remnants of the vast forests that once covered north-western Middle-earth.
The Númenóreans cut down a large part of the forests to build their fleets in the Second Age, before the forces of Sauron burned down much of the remaining woodland during the War of the Elves and Sauron. Only a few secretive woodsmen dwell in the woods by the end of the Third Age.