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Top 10 Middle-earth Recreations in Minecraft

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In our quest to recreate Tolkien’s work in Minecraft, we have built some stunning locations over the years; below is a ranked list of the top ten builds of Middle-earth in Minecraft. Lets dive straight in.

10. Weathertop

The ancient watchtower of Amon Sul

Built as the watchtower Amon Sul by the Dunedain of the north, Weathertop often found itself at the centre of the conflicts between the various successor states of Arnor and Angmar. After its destruction in the middle of the Third age, the ruins of Amon Sul stands tall at the southern promontory of the Weather Hills, overlooking the Lone Lands to the South.  The hill is used by the Rangers of the North as a rest station, and in 3018, Frodo is stabbed below Weathertop by the Witch King as he journeys to Rivendell during the War of the Ring. On ArdaCraft, this location is visible for miles around and commands a striking view toward the mountains, especially during the evening hours.

9. The Argonath

Isildur and Anarion, depicted in stone

Marking the furthest extent of Gondorian expansion, the twin statues of Isildur and Anarion straddle the river Anduin as it flows south into the lake of Nen Hithoel. Also known as the “Gates of Kings”, the Fellowship of the Ring passes between the statues in 3019 as they travel towards Amon Hen. On our server, these monoliths stand tall against the uplands of the Emyn Muil and mark the beginning of the slow transition from wilderness to civilisation, but their true size and grandeur can only truly be appreciated from below.

8. Bree

Bree and Bree Hill

Within the mostly desolate land of Eriador lies the safe haven of Bree and its satellite villages of Combe, Staddle and Archet. Guarded by the Rangers of the North, the ancient settlement lies at the crossroads of the Greenway and the Great East Road and serves as a vital rest stop for travellers on their journeys across the west of Middle-earth. Our recreation of Bree has it sprawling over the lower slopes of Bree Hill and features Bill Ferny’s house, Hobbit holes and, of course, the famous Prancing Pony Inn. Frodo’s company passes through Bree in autumn 3018, where they meet Strider and evade the Black Riders.

7. Tharbad

The ruined Royal Bridge at Tharbad

The abandoned ruins of Tharbad, once jointly ruled by Gondor and Arnor, lie halfway along the river Gwathlo. What was once a grand and imposing city now lies deserted for a century, after it was struck by a series of disasters such as flood and disease. Boromir, son of Denethor, loses his horse at the ford in Tharbad on his journey to Rivendell, and must continue to Imladris on foot before he joins The Fellowship. The centrepiece of our recreation of Tharbad is the remains of the royal bridge, which have been reduced to “Dwindling mounds”.

6. Edoras

Edoras, capital of Rohan

On a hill below the White Mountains is Edoras, seat of the horse lords of Rohan. Since its construction, the city has been Rohan’s capital and hosts the Golden Hall of Meduseld, where the king dwells with his retinue. The city itself is densely populated, with houses cluttering the lower reaches of the hill and is surrounded by the fertile plains of The Folde. During the events of The War of The Ring, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli come to Edoras and heal King Theoden, before leading the population of the city to the refuge of Helm’s Deep. On the ArdaCraft server, Edoras is one of the most popular and well visited locations due to its size, detail and complexity.

5. Bag End

Bag End, home of Frodo Baggins

Bag End is the home of the hobbit Frodo Baggins, and his uncle Bilbo’s before him. It is a sprawling mansion, dug beneath a large hill above the settlement of Hobbiton, in the Westfarthing of the Shire. It was here that the company of Thorin Oakenshield recruited Bilbo as a burglar in the quest of the Lonely Mountain, and later where Frodo set out on his quest to reach Rivendell. On our server, the area around Bag End has a quintessential rural English charm that brings to life a sleepy corner of the Shire and there’s almost always someone around.

4. Lorien

Caras Galadhon, seat of Galadriel and Celeborn

The Golden Wood of Lothlorien, ruled by the Lady Galadriel and her husband Celeborn, is an elven realm between the eastern feet of the Misty Mountains and the River Anduin. The last bastion of First Age magic in Middle-earth, Lorien is protected by the ring of power Nenya and provides a critical rest stop to The Fellowship of The Ring after their journey through the Mines of Moria. In our recreation of Lothlorien, we have faithfully built the hill of Cerin Amroth and the great elven city of Caras Galadhon among the eaves of the mallorn trees. 

3. Isengard

The Pillar of Orthanc

Isengard is a mighty fortress at the southern end of the Misty Mountains ruled by the wizard Saruman. In the centre lies the ancient black tower of Orthanc, built by the Numenoreans, which holds the palantir used by Saruman to contact Sauron. The tower is surrounded by a vast and impenetrable stone wall, the Circle of Isengard, which surrounds verdant gardens and beautiful water features. The fortress meets its end at the hands of the Ents, who tear down the circle of Isengard in anger at the wizard’s actions. If you visit Isengard on our server, you can explore the tunnels under Orthanc and see the beginnings of Saruman’s army being built in secret.

2. Helm’s Deep

The Hornburg

This iconic fortress needs no introduction. Built by the Gondorians as Aglarond, then gifted to the Rohirrim who rechristened it as Helm’s Deep, the walls of the Hornburg have never been breached by any attacking force. Its strategic position to the south of the Gap of Rohan made it a vital stronghold, and its valley surroundings made an attack nigh on impossible, forcing an enemy to lose huge numbers of soldiers should they attempt an assault. Theoden chooses to evacuate the citizens of Edoras to the caves behind Helm’s Deep during the War of The Ring, leading to the Battle of the Hornburg against the forces of Saruman. On ArdaCraft, you can visit the mighty fortress and look out over the battlements at the Westfold from one of the best vantage points on the server.

1. Rivendell

The Hidden valley of Rivendell

Nestled in a hidden valley below the Misty Mountains, the elven sanctuary of Rivendell tops the list for the most impressive recreation in Middle-earth in Minecraft. Also known as Imladris, Rivendell was founded in the Second Age as a refuge from the forces of Sauron by its lord, Elrond and is the ‘Last homely house east of the sea’. Despite its depiction in the films suggesting otherwise, Rivendell is a single house in the valley of the Bruinen and is inhabited by Elrond, his daughter Arwen and the elf lord Glorfindel. At the time our server is set, Bilbo Baggins is also residing there, having left The Shire some years earlier. It is here that the Council of Elrond is held, the Fellowship formed and the fate of The Ring ultimately decided. The hidden valley encapsulates the fantasy magic within the pages of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings and brings to life the most iconic of Tolkien’s locations.
