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Project Management

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This resource serves as an introduction to how projects are managed on our Discord via project threads. Note that this article is targeted at and discusses channels only accessible to members of the build team. Make sure to look at the Project Application article as well.

Discord Region Management

Each region has its own forum in Discord. A forum includes:

  • A main region thread where all documents and relevant information is listed and pinned. This thread is also used to discuss and update team members on major developments relevant to the entire region. They are maintained by the Overseers (region leads).
  • An "Application Example Template” thread for projects and areas. See this article for more info.
  • Threads of all projects, areas and sites. These threads are used to discuss and update team members on current developments regarding each project. They are maintained by the project leads (Builder and up).
  • A guide thread that hosts all relevant guides and documents for the region.

Discord Project Tags

Each region forum in Discord holds the same specifications (“tags”) for project threads.

Tags that are included in every region forum:

  • Open: Project is open for plots.
  • Closed: Project is closed for plots.
  • Guide: Tag for a “Guide Thread” in the forum. The main guide thread contains all the important research, guides and inspiration.
  • Development: A project which is either early on in its development and needs concepts/drafting, or is so important to the server that redos and revamps of areas within it throughout the building process are to be expected.
  • On Hold: No work is being done here for now.
  • Private: A project which is not intended to ever be opened for public building.
  • Production: A project where the style has already been figured out, the plan has been made, and all that remains is to execute that style at scale. Once something has been built and approved by the project lead, redos or revamps are not allowed unless under exceptional circumstances. 
  • Approved: Finished for the time being
  • Completed: Finished end product

The goal with these is for Apprentices and Builders to get a quick overview of where they can be productive and claim plots.

Project Management Checklist

This is a basic checklist of what a project lead needs to do:

  • Plots
    • Prepare and open new ones
    • Regularly check on plot progress. If there is no progress after a certain amount of time, people should be pinged in the project thread or their plots reopened (Having people add the date they claimed plots at helps)
    • Announce when new plots open
    • Keep track of open plots so that they can be added to the bulletin board
  • Help
    • Provide feedback for plots
    • Help those struggling with their plots
  • Planning
    • Continue to plan out parts of your project
    • Possibly delegate tasks to others
  • Maintenance
    • Keep your project thread updated
    • Keep the tags of your project thread updated
    • Keep track of who completed plots so that they can be added to the project on the website once it is finished
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